Monthly Archives: July 2022

Glossary of Green Terms Used in Plastics

Environmental issues in the plastic industry are a hot topic, however the terminology used can be confusing and sometimes used misleadingly. Below we take a look at some of the most popular phrases in our green glossary for plastics, their environmental impact, and what they really mean. Recycled Plastics The reprocessing of plastic waste into new material and products. Recycled plastic can be entirely made from previously used plastic; or made from a percentage of recycled material and the remainder made from virgin material. The most commonly recycled plastics are PET, HDPE and PP – all of which are found in many products in our homes. Bioplastics Bioplastics are plastic materials derived from at least some if not all renewable biological sources. These are typically starches, proteins, vegetable fats or oils. Bioplastics break down (more of that later) at different rates depending on their … Continue reading

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